Bitcoin mixer case studyBitcoin mixer for cillionaires

Bitcoin mixer for Cillion-

How can crypto millionaires take
advantage of a Bitcoin mixer

I’m Jay.

I got rich,
when made switch,
to crypto niche.

I’m all in,
but act thin,
with whir spin.

Peace out!

It is no surprise that cryptocurrencies have created many millionaires and billionaires. These people are commonly referred to as cillionaires a combination of words crypto plus millionaires.

These people could have increased their wealth through different options connected to cryptocurrencies, from investing and trading, mining, creating new businesses to education. However, the fact that someone earned a lot of money thanks to the cryptocurrencies does not mean that they wish for everyone else to know about it. In fact, many of them try to hide their identities mainly for security reasons.

Famous crypto cillionaires

There are obviously very famous crypto millionaires or even billionaires that do not try to hide their riches. Most of them do so mostly because it is impossible to stay anonymous in their position, as many of them are CEOs or main personas behind cryptocurrency exchanges or other platforms or service providers.

These are for instance people such as Changpeng Zhao, CEO of Binance exchange, Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO of FTX exchange, the Winklevoss twins Tyler and Cameron, founders of Gemini exchange or Brian Armstrong, CEO of Coinbase.

However, the fact that the identities of these people are revealed does not mean that all crypto millionaires or billionaires want the whole world to know that they got rich off the cryptocurrencies. That might however be more difficult to hide as it seems at first, since the distributed decentralised ledger of Bitcoin is transparent, which means that anyone can check any transaction that has ever happened on the blockchain.

Why to stay anonymous

This simply means that if, for instance, the owner of a non-anonymous Bitcoin wallet or an address with 1 000 BTC sends 1 BTC to someone else without maintaing any privacy measures, they can then look up how much the sender owns, thus connecting it to the real world identity. This can get really dangerous and it has already happened many times that people got into danger for their crypto wealth.

The abduction of people, who were very outspoken about their cryptocurrency riches or who were connected to some exchange or any platform with huge amounts of cryptocurrencies are sadly nothing new. Thus, one can only imagine that becoming a cillionaire does not solve all the problems. In fact, it can even create more problems that, unless the person is very careful, can lead to life threatening occasions.

Staying off the grid with Whir

Keeping your cryptocurrency riches to yourself is not only important for your safety, but also for the safety of your coins. Obviously, it is important that your family knows about the capital stored in the cryptocurrencies in case something happens to you. But that does not mean that your crypto portfolio should be everyone’s concern.

Many crypto millionaires know this and are thus trying to do their best to not only not share their crypto allocation with anyone online, but they are also very careful about how they spend their coins. Doing this in a private and anonymous way can increase the security of the hodlers and their families and can prevent everyone close to the crypto cillionaire from getting into danger.

The Bitcoin millionaires have few different ways how they can stay off the grid and Whir is one of them. Thanks to the privacy features used in Whir, there will not be any traces of the identities of the two parties stored in the blockchain. Moreover, the sender and the receiver do not even need to know each other’s real identities to send bitcoins, which means that if the sender is careful enough, their identity will not be revealed by anyone, thus improving the privacy of the cillionaires.

Moreover, thanks to Whir, cillionaires have a rather neat feature through which they can spend some of their wealth, without having to be extra cautious about their identity and privacy. Using Whir to send bitcoin is as easy as any other transaction, but it adds one more layer of privacy to it, which means that cillionaires do not need to fear paying for products using Whir. On the contrary, thanks to Whir, cillionaires can actually spend their bitcoins in real life, thus, using their riches for their personal benefit.

Would you like to send Bitcoin privately while protecting your privacy? Use Whir. A tool for an average Joe who wants to protect their privacy. Send Bitcoin privately, without KYC, using a CoinJoin transaction. 


Activistsjournalists or adult content creators can all benefit from Bitcoin and the improved privacy that Whir offers. But so can cillionaires, crypto millionaires and billionaires, who now have a way to spend their hard earned money without the need to fear for their security or safety. 

Disclaimer: This article does not serve as a piece of financial advice or encouragement and inducement for the usage of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Its primary role is informative, explanatory, and educational. The readers have to decide themselves whether to use or not to use these types of services.

Disclaimer: This article does not serve as a piece of financial advice or encouragement and inducement for the usage of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Its primary role is informative, explanatory, and educational. The readers have to decide themselves whether to use or not to use these types of services.